Alloy Ceramic Coating
Cleaning your rims will never be the same!
nano ceramic coating on wheels makes the surface so smooth that brake dust and other contaminants won't stick to it. When brake dust bonds with your wheels, it is not an easy thing to remove. Often the washing techniques used to remove contaminants from other surfaces on your vehicle will not be sufficient to remove all the contaminants on your wheels. Moreover, wheels come with all kinds of unique shapes and curves, creating areas that can be hard to get to with a brush or wash mitt.
alloy ceramic coatingalloy protectionrim coatingalloy nano coatingceramic coatingheat resistent coatingbreak dust protection
Contact us now
Travancore Auto Spa, Maruthankuzhi, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, PIN-695012.
Phone: +91-9497 454647 Email: